
How to plan and actually achieve life goals

How to plan and actually achieve your life goals?

How to plan and actually achieve your life goals?

Where would you like to see yourself after 5 or 10 years?

What is your ultimate destination?

What is your current place and what is your destination?

Let me tell you, it is not always easy to identify your true goals, so check the blog to get the answers. You should know why goals are important.

Many people confuse setting the goals with having dreams that you see, but is far distant and cannot be attained. The reason of not achieving the goals can be any of the below mentioned reasons:

How to plan and actually achieve your life goals? Read More »

frequently asked questions

FAQ 3 – How To Add LinkedIn URL To Resume?

Many job seekers these days, often ask me “How to add LinkedIN URL to Resume”.
This question has become more prominent now when the things are online rather than offline.

We all know by now that our social media profile is playing a very important role as far as our life is concerned. So is the case with our career, Job searches.

FAQ 3 – How To Add LinkedIn URL To Resume? Read More »