When we go for a job interview one thing which reaches even before you reach to the employer is resume. This is one thing which decided even whether you will be called for the interview or not. So, one should focus on resume and its component, while applying for a job.


There are so many questions which come to our mind as far as resume is concerned. The questions like-

  1. What is the format of the resume?

  2. Do we need a cover letter with the resume?

  3. How can we make a resume which stands out in so many resumes?

  4. How will we make sure that we get a call for the interview?

  5. Is resume same as CV?

So, let us see in this blog all the parts of a resume and its component. A step by step guide to make your resume.


What is resume?

A resume basically means “summary”.


A resume is a formal document that showcases a person’s career, background and skills. It helps the candidate to showcase his/her talent to the employer even before he reaches to the job interview. It also helps the employer to shortlist candidates by looking at the resumes of the candidate.


Do we need a cover letter with the resume?

A cover letter shows skills, Accomplishments of the candidate in a detailed manner and if the resume is accompanied by the cover letter, the impression would be much better on the employer and it will help the candidate to explain about him/her in a better way.


Check the cover letter format.


What is the format of Resume?

As far as resume format is concerned, we can take any format. We can use Ms. Word template, Canva, resumebuild.comresumegenious.com.


But, The one which is made by you is best.

Few tips which can be taken care of while making a resume are as follows:

  • The paper used for printing should be white A4 size.

  • The margin should be 0.5 on each side3.

  • Contact info should be on the top of the resume.

  • Use bullets and not paragraphs to give details in the resume.

  • The resume should be properly spaced for the presentability.

  • The font should be legible like Arial, times new roman and content should be 11 or 12 pts.

  • The line spacing can be single or 1.15 line spacing.

  • The resume should be properly structured by dividing it into blocks.

  • Make sure to check the resume for spelling and grammar errors before taking a print out or uploading.

  • The most important is resume should be customized as per the interviews.


What makes resume stand out?

The best resume which is preferred then others are:

  • Easy to-read and understood well.

  • Fit 2-3 pages in 1 and have quality.

  • ATS-compatibly optimized.

  • Formatted to highlight essential information about the candidate.

  • Attractive with or without a photo.

  • With a cover letter.


What are the components of the resume?

The components can vary from one resume to another, but for details about the format and component of resume check the blog.


Is resume same as CV?

CV is targeted and explains in detail about experience, it can be of more than 1 page.

A resume is mostly one page document comprising of summary of educational backgroundskills, personal details and experience.

Though in most of the countries these terms are interchangeably used.


Rather than the format, content makes the difference.


So, Now you know everything about a resume and how to draft it. Start making a resume and in case you have any questions, comment to get the answers.


Do check the sample formats by clicking on the link.

Sample resume formats


If you need consultation for your communication skills, Interview skills, career growth, Time management, Goal management, and many more things check my website – www.anjujindal.com.


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About the Author: Anju Jindal

Anju is a trainer, entrepreneur, and career growth specialist who helps students, working professionals, women, and Job seekers to reach out to their goals by implementing a Career Growth plan

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