The 10X rule Book – Book review

The 10X rule – The book “The 10X rule” is one of the high trendsetter books by the author. In this book, the author talks about how to set goals for major success and what are the various mistakes people generally do while setting goals. The two different mindsets are also talked about in the book and what is the correct approach to set goals and actions.

The 10X rule – BOOK REVIEW

The only difference between success and failure

By Grant Cardone

The subheading “The only difference between success and a failure” says it all. Success and failure are only defined by the way we set our goals and actions.

This is one book that I read recently and somehow I connect with the book as I also have been believing in having big goals which are what The 10X rule says.


Also watch my video on “The 10X Rule” book review

The book is telling us to aim at least 10 X bigger goals than what you expect to achieve and accordingly also to put 10 X more efforts to get the desired results. When you set your goals 10 times higher than what you want. You are looking for big results and your efforts planning also should be 10 X more than what you will usually put.

It leads to massive and the desired results you are looking for. This rule applies to every part of life because challenges cannot be anticipated properly.

Did you ever imagine what are the reasons why we are able to achieve our goals? Check the following:

  1. People set low goals that do not motivate them enough for taking action.

  2. People underestimate themselves in terms of money, actions, or other resources they have to meet their requirements to achieve goals.

  3. They focus on competing with others rather than their own actions for the desired results.

  4. They do not anticipate the challenges and only focus on the rosy side of the achievement of the goals.

So, rather than focusing on other aspects or reducing the targets, we should focus on reaching towards the goals and making our actions more strong. While thinking of The 10X rule it is also important to anticipate all the possible challenges which can be faced in the achievement of the goals.


For achieving goals, there are two sets of mindset which people have.

  1. The victim mindset which we generally refer to as a fixed mindset – 50 % of the total population consider themselves as a victim and keeps on blaming others for what happens in their life. This also does not let them experience a lot of success.

  2. The correct mindset which we generally refer to as the growth mindset – These are the people who are less in number and they think of themselves as responsible for what happens in their life. Even if they fail, they analyze the things and try it again with more effort.

There is no scarcity of success and if someone succeeds. It should be considered as motivation and we should learn from them to use it as an experience.


It is the mindset which provides the direction to our action and energy. According to the author, there are four levels of action.

  1. Doing nothing – This is a level where a person does not take any action to improve himself as either he has given up on our dreams or he is content with what he has. This is an easy level and here he always gives excuses. Also, the person does not have any vision in life.

  2. Retreating – This is a level where a person is fearful of the negative results of his previous actions. This person also just like the first level gives excuses and believes that what he is doing is the best thing. He cannot accept failures.

  3. Doing things normally – This is the level where most people are in as most of the people want to take normal efforts which may look normal. But, they end up with normal life and nothing major happens. These people are the ones who treat themselves as ordinary, they are satisfied and they do not expect big objectives. This level is also called a middle-class mindset which makes us settle for average things and will never let taste success in life.

  4. Doing things massively – This is the most effective level as here we experience massive action taking, we spend a lot of time working, it may include difficult choices, but that is how we will work at a high level and probably achieve the goals.

The 10X rule

We need to be obsessed with success as when we are obsessed with something we are addicted to complete it. This also helps us to be committed and create a positive approach to achieve long-term goals. This also makes us serious about our long-term goals.

To achieve goals we need to have an “all-in” approach wherein we need to put everything which means efforts, time, ideas, creativity, energy to get the results.

But, this all-in approach also puts you at risk. Many people advices  us to go safe and avoid risks as people want minimization of loss but need huge returns. If we want to achieve success we need to get rid of fear as fear can stop us to take a risk and put all to get desired results.

The author also talks about the only drawback of success is that we need to continue performing. It should be treated as a garden that needs regular maintenance like trimming, watering, planting after the garden is made. We need to regularly make new goals so that we get ignited for new actions and success in life.

The book also talks about omnipresent that sets out their presence irrespective of how many more things come in. Companies like Google, Apple, and people like Brack Obama, Bill gates are some of the names which everyone recognizes irrespective of the fact whether they are liked or not. All successful started by having goals that were very large in size, followed by actions and risk-taking.

This book has made me believe more strongly in having large goals and then following them.

Please check the following links for more reviews and books.

  1. Books to read – click here

  2. Book reviews & book Blogs – click here

You can check out all the must-read books in the list of all the books.

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About the Author: Anju Jindal

Anju is a trainer, entrepreneur, and career growth specialist who helps students, working professionals, women, and Job seekers to reach out to their goals by implementing a Career Growth plan

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