How to grow your network?

In Today’s time, it has become really true that

“What you see is what you sell”

How will you make sure that you are visible?

How can you reach people?

The fundamental to reach people is


Let us just discuss in today’s video all about the network.

Why do we need to grow our network?

  1. Growing the network is important for:
  2. Enlighten with knowledge
  3. Learning
  4. Expertise exchange of knowledge
  5. More opportunities
  6. Awareness of market scenario
  7. More testimonies

There are two types of network

  • Offline- The old methods like newspaper, WOM, friends, and also relatives. These had lots of limitations as they were not so very convenient.

Also, it took time for networking and also connecting with people.

  • Online– These are new methods that are not only fast, but less costly and also one can connect with a lot of people at one time just with a click. 

These new methods are connecting through social media, websites, automated emails, and also messages.

It is upon us, what platforms we choose. Today, if you want to grow, you need to look for innovative methods and grow your network. With networks, the influence will also increase.

Further, there are various things that we need to consider when we are growing our network. Also, it is not a one-day affair. It needs to be done with persistence and also honesty

Just do not connect with someone for the sake of having a connection. Have a motive and intention in order to connect with the right kind of people.

You need to take care of a few things while developing your network which are:

  • Be helpful When you connect you need to be helpful so that people are willing to connect with you. If you provide help and also people have some reason to connect with you then automatically the network will grow.
  • Build a reputation – Connections cannot happen in a day, it is a time taking process. Moreover, for this your reputation is really important. So, make sure that you build a good reputation for growing your network.

  • Be visible – You need to be really persistent and also create your visibility on all the platforms to be among the network. If you are not visible you are out of the network and also that is not good for your growth.
  • Connect with people – Connecting with people is really important and also it should not be just connecting as numbers but connecting with the thought process.

  • Intentional content sharing – For flourishing your network and also make your presence felt you need to share content that is useful and valuable
If the content is valuable then people will start correlating and will also automatically connect with you.
  • Think long term – The motive to connect with people should be long-term and moreover never focus on short term gains. In order to have long term connections, you need to share and also connect truly.
  • Listen – Listening is an element that is always very important and so is the case to grow your network. You need to listen and also read carefully to act upon things.
  • Get rejected – It is ok to be rejected. There will be times when some content of yours or some of your thoughts are rejected. Never mind and start doing it again.
  • Ask – If you have questions or anything to ask do not hesitate and ask whatever is in the mind. This will clear your thought and also you can do things better.
  • Followup – This is yet another point that always follow-up with your connections. Just do not connect and leave your connections as it is. Ask about their wellbeing and also if they need any help. 

In this way, you can assure yourself that you are there for the people and the connections are going to be strong.

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About the Author: Anju Jindal

Anju is a trainer, entrepreneur, and career growth specialist who helps students, working professionals, women, and Job seekers to reach out to their goals by implementing a Career Growth plan

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