frequently asked questions

FAQ 2- Why do we stuck when we speak?

FAQ 2- Why do we stuck when we speak?
 This is one more question which is asked to me numerous times. Almost all of us face this at one or the other point. Are you sometimes stuck with what to say?

You have to say something, but the word is at the backside of the mind. It is not coming from your mouth.

Then the problem is probably you are short of words which means your vocabulary is not strong.

So, now what?

You will be surprised to know that 80% of the total conversation is made using 20 % of the vocabulary. These 20% words are the ones which we already know. But, we keep on bothering about the rest of the words which are just used 20%. 

Just try to recall and tell me when were the not so common vocabulary like decorum or condemnation used by you last?

You are blown right!


How many times today itself, you have used words like the, of, what, how, as, etc. ?

Almost in most of the conversations, these words were only used.

So, rather than feeling troubled about complex vocabulary, what you need to do?

The only thing which can be of some help is, you simply get used to some basic words and use them regularly.

If you want to know how to learn new words, then check the link – Grow vocabulary

Till then, let us just check out a few commonly used words which can help you to understand the usage.

Simple commonly used words


The/A/An         As                  A                I                  In

We                     They             You             His/Her     That

He/She             That/this     Was/Were  For              On

It                          You               Or              Of                To

And/Or                Can               Out/In       There         At

Do/Does/Did     Is/Am/Are   With           They          Be

Their                  Will               Must           Hot/Cold   By

From                  Here             But              Word          If

Me                     Every           Our              All              When

Your                  Then            Them           Would        So

These                Now            My               Should       Eat

Have/Has/Had    Any          One/Two/Three/Four and so all numbers

What/How/Why/Which       Each/Some/Many/More/Much/Few


Apart from this some more simple words are:


Hot                     Time             Said                Tell           Want

Air                      Water           Play                 Start        End

Put                      Read            Home              Hand        Large

Cold                    Small           Odd                 Even         Add

Land                   Big                High               Low          Follow

Act                     Ask               Tell                  Men         Women

Change              Same            Went               Go            Light

Kind                   Need             House             Picture      Try

Again                Animal          Point               Mother      Father

World                Near              Far                  Build          Self

Earth                 New              Old                   Work         Part

Take                  Get               Place                Made         Live

After                 Before          Back                 Front         Little

Only                  Round          Square             Triangle    Year

Day                   Came           Show                Give          Good

Bad                   Under          Name                Very         Through

Just                   Form          Sentence           Great        Think

Say                    Help           Low                    High         Line

Differ                Turn           Cause                 Mean        Move

Right                 Wrong       Left                     Young      Same

Different           Up             Use                     About       Like

Like                   Long         Make                   Thing        See

Look                  More         Number               Sound     Most

People              Over          Water                 Call           Stand

Side                  Find           Head                   Body        Own

Page                 Country     Found                 Answer    Grow

Question          School       Study                  Still          Learn

Plant                   Cover         Food                 State         Sun

Between             Keep           Eye                  Never        Last

And so on

These are the few most used words and if we know atleast these words, then we can proficiently communicate in English.

How to learn these words and their usage?

When we talk or communicate, we do it with the help of words. So, our choice of words while communicating should be really appropriate.

Many times I have seen people facing a problem that when they talk, they are either short of words. Some word is just at the back of their mind, but it is not coming out of their mouth.

This indirectly makes us fearful, we fumble and lose our confidence. The ultimate result will be a fear of communication.

We should solve this problem by growing our vocabulary

We can grow our vocabulary by various methods, but the best way to do so is to learn a minimum of 1 new word each day.

One way can be to use any dictionary and learn one work each day.

But the better way is to

Make your own dictionary and write every day the words you have learned.

  1. While conversing or writing if you get stuck on one word, you just need to use google and find the meaning of that word in English itself.

  2. Then write the word and the meaning in your dictionary.

  3. Also, mention one similar word and opposite word.

  4. Write one real-life usage of that word, as you will remember the word much better, if the use is from real life.

  5. Discuss the word at least 10 times to make it clear for you.

  6. In this way, you will have a minimum of 30 new words in a month and vocabulary gets enriched day by day.

Remember, knowing everything is not possible, but learning is. So, do focus that you keep on adding new words to your vocabulary every day.


It will help you gain confidence and with time, gradually you will not be short of words.

I have got more career and communication advice and inspiration for you at

The famous courses I have for people are Fearless communicator blueprint, Interview hack blueprint, Career growth blueprint.


To know about the same just message “course” by clicking on this link


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Linked videos

Do you want to learn English? -for beginners

Punctuations and its usage


About the Author: Anju Jindal

Anju is a trainer, entrepreneur, and career growth specialist who helps students, working professionals, women, and Job seekers to reach out to their goals by implementing a Career Growth plan

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