3 Steps To Make And Complete TO DO List

3 steps to make and complete To Do List

Have you ever come across these questions?

How to make and complete the To-Do list?

Do you not believe in making a To-Do List? Do you understand the power of the To-Do list? 

This Blog will answer all the questions to your queries. But first, let us understand what is a To-Do List.

A To-Do list is a list of all the important and other tasks which we need to  accomplish. We generally write on a piece of paper so that we do not miss anything. You can use the various options available in old school methods like diaries, organizers. We can also use new school methods like smartphones, apps like Microsoft To-Do, Toddle do, etc.

We create a To-Do list in a way so that we complete all our tasks helping us in order to achieve our goals in a designated time.

3 secrets to making and complete your To-Do list
which I have formed after working with thousands of students and working professionals. It will also help you in doing so. Let us start with our secrets.

Secret no 1 is 


It is a matrix according to which we divide the tasks into 4 quadrants. The quardrants are Urgent important, Important not urgent, Not important urgent, and Not important not urgent. When we place the tasks in this matrix according to the following specifications it helps us identify High, Medium, Easy and Unwanted tasks.

C stands for Crisis & pressing problems that relates to task in the first quadrant called Urgent Important tasks. Further, We need to manage them as they are deadlines or pressing problemsThese tasks also require immediate attention and we refer them to as Medium Tasks. Examples are visit a doctor as you are ill or we need to send some mail as there is some change in the government rule.
S stands for Strategies and we place values related task in the second quadrant called as important, not urgent tasks. These tasks need focus and they relate to long term goals. It provides immense satisfaction once finished, but can be done later and referred to as High Tasks. You certainly need to be proactive, plan well, and spend maximum time on these so that the first quadrant has fewer items. Further, these needs urgent attention. Examples can be chapter writing for an author or reviewing team members if you are a manager. I stand for Interruptions & busy work-related tasks. We need to place them in third quadrant called not important urgent tasks. One need to delegate or reschedule these tasks. Moreover, they do not contribute towards your long-term goals, but we spend maximum time. So, these are called as Easy Tasks. You also need to learn to say no to these. Examples can be a friend visit in your office when you have a meeting or your colleague needing help when you need to complete your work.
W stands for wasteful activities related to task. We need to place in the last quadrant. These are called as not important and not an urgent task. They need no or very less time. They also need not be part of your To-Do list. You have to stop doing it. Examples can be binging on T.V, Netflix, etc.

Remember “Be proactive, say no when needed, be effective

Secret no 2 is 135 Formula

This says a To-Do list consists of limited tasks. We need to align the tasks according to your energy level in a day. The items according to this formula are explained below:

  1. 1 means 1 Big Task which should be the first thing on your To-Do list and we need to assign the time when you are high on energy. In general, the morning time, but it can vary from person to person. It will not only assure that we complete a big task , but will also make sure that we can do it in the best possible way.

  2. 3 means 3 Medium Tasks which should be after 1 high task on your To-Do list and the time assigned should be when you have medium energy. In general the afternoon time.

  3. 5 means 5 Easy Tasks which should be last on your To-Do list and the time assigned should be when you are low on your energy. In general the evening time. It makes sure that if some task into your To-Do is left out it will be an easy or small task.

Secret no 3 is a weekly plan

This means that you need to plan your To-Do list weekly. If you plan less than 1 week you may loose on some tasks and if planned for more than it may result in over-planning. The components are as following:

  1. Daily Focus which should be the first thing into your Weekly schedule. This means what will be the main focus of the day so that full attention is given to it as people are engaged in multiple things which may result in less attention in long-term goals. For example, if a person is a teacher and also doing business simultaneously what should be taken care of in a day should be mentioned as a daily focus on the top of your daily schedule.

  2. Tasks which should be according to 135 Formula. Further, these we need to plan as per daily focus. The sample weekly schedule is following:

Now, You know the three secrets, but few more points need to be considered which are:

  1. Firstly, do it with the help of diaries, organizers, Mobile applications so, that you do not forget.

  2. Secondly, keep it in a place where it is in front of you so, that you are reminded of it every time.

  3. Finally, do one task at a time and avoid multitasking for proper focus.



REMEMBER TO “Analyze and re-plan if needed

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About the Author: Anju Jindal

Anju is a trainer, entrepreneur, and career growth specialist who helps students, working professionals, women, and Job seekers to reach out to their goals by implementing a Career Growth plan

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