There are many books that a person can read, but the below-mentioned books are the ones that can really impact you and your personality in a better way. These books are the ones that impact the overall thought process of a person irrespective of age, profession, or religion of a person.
You can check out all the books in the list of all the books.
Book 1 must-read books – part 2
The Power
By Rhonda Byrne
This is the second book by the author which follows the incredible book the secret which I already mentioned in the earlier blog. Further, it says that the power of the universe is revealed. According to which, if you want anything, it only takes one thing to get it.
We can do this for anything relationship, money, health, happiness, career rather the whole life. Also, the power is your dream and belief as dreams are closer to reality. The power is nothing else but it is inside you. It is you only who can change all. Finally, you just need to realize the power of your beliefs and dreams.
If the change the way of thinking then all will be changed. Think more positively and as a result you will attract more positivity. Think more negative as a result you will attract more negative. The first thing here that can be done is mindfulness. According to the book, coincidences happen every day but we never link it with the fact. That it is us who attracted that and further we name them coincidence.
So basically, when something happens wrong. We just need to take a pause and see that what are we thinking of which has attracted this wrong to happen. If we are not a positive frame of mind, then we need to bring things on track and start working with affirmations.
I have all the books of the author and whenever I get stuck and mind gets in the wrong direction I just grab any of these books by the author and it works for me.
You can get the details of the book here.
Book 2 must-read books – part 2
The magic
By Rhonda Bryne
We all are lost in just running fast in our lives without realizing the true purpose of our life. We keep on wandering but never realize the actual purpose of our life which can really frustrate us. This is the reason why most of the people today are dealing with mental health.
This book “The Magic” basically tells us the true and also the better way of living. Again, my go-to book when I am lost or have clashed in thoughts. This book talks about gratitude which is actually the greatest gift to mankind. It is full of motivational and influential content as a result it can really change the way people look at things.
This is yet another book like other books of Rhonda which aims at making us believe in the power of our thinking and dreams. Moreover, this book is the sequel of her second book “The Power” which is mentioned in the blog itself. This is a book that can be life-changing and helps us to look at exploring the spiritual side.
You can get the details of the book here.
Book 3 must-read books – part 2
APJ Abdul Kalam Wings Of Fire
By Arun Tiwari
This is one biography of a person who has shown that sheer hard work and grit can achieve success. This book also gives full insight into personal moments and experiences of Dr Kalam. Moreover, it tells about how from a very humble beginning he became the president of India. Also, we will get to know how he achieved success with inner fire and thrust.
This book further mentions the life journey which is full of inspiration, including childhood days, college days. It also mentions the time Dr Kalam spent at the Langley Research Center, NASA, and Wallops Flight Facility.
It also illustrates the personal life of Dr Kalam including his feelings of receiving awards. Further, it tells all the things he did as a scientist and why he was called a “missile man of India”. All in all, this is one of the inspirations which anyone should read.
You can get the details of the book here.
Book 4 must-read books - part 2
A Thousand Splendid Suns
By Khaled Hosseini
This author is one of the favorite as the real thought is going to come because of the way the book is written. Firstly, the main plot of the story is based on the war-torn country Afghanistan from 1960 to 1990 which was in control of the Taliban. It also talks about the lives of two women after marriage taking domestic abuse and how women are suppressed in that country.
The whole novel is in two parts, Firstly, narrating the story of Mariam when she was a kid of 9 years living with her mother who was cruel. Mariam was an illegitimate child because of which she faced lots of blame and prejudice from both sides of the family.
Secondly, it is about Laila, who is an innocent child having a friend who was a boy and they were war struck and had no clues about the family. Both of them do not lose hope and always show hope of getting better one day.
This book is a must-read, as this tells the situation in one of the countries. Furthermore, how we should be grateful for being in a country where we have the freedom to do all as per our choices. Further, till you reach the end you get the fire-filled. This book is also inspirational because of the story taken and the way it is written.
You can get the details of the book here.
Book 5 - must-read books - part 2
Eat That Frog
By Brian Tracy

This book is by someone who is an inspiration himself by many who wants to be rich and also wants to have passive income. According to the author, there is never enough time to get things done and there will never be enough time. We all keep complaining about this, but the people who wants success, or who are successful do not do everything. They moreover focus on the most important things and make sure you do that.
According to the author, If the first thing which we do when we start the day is the most important thing, then you will have the satisfaction of completing the thing. You will be more positive in order to complete the rest of the tasks in the rest day.
It will help us in not procrastinating the things but making sure we complete important tasks of the say. The book is also about effective time management and the use of technology in time management. This book moreover talks about Decision making, Discipline, and determination.
One of the must-read books as it really helps you in time management.
You can get the details of the book here.
Book 6
Think and Grow Rich
By Napolean Hill

This book is a book which is one which inspires generations to think and become rich by developing skills and mastering them. According to the author, there are a13 simple steps that can help anyone to grow rich.
1. Desire
2. Faith
3. Auto suggestion
4. Specialized Knowledge
5. Imagination
6. Organized Planning
7. Decision
8. Persistence
9. Power of the Master Mind
10. The Mystery of Sex Transmutation
11. The Subconscious Mind
12. The Brain
13. The Sixth Sense
In this book, he has specified that through these steps, income management methods, and also personal anecdotes anybody can grow rich.
This is the book which should be read minimum of one time in life.
You can get the details of the book here.
I have mentioned about 6 books in this blog. Click here for the rest six books. what-are-the-must_read-books-part-1
You can check out all the must-read books in the list of all the books..