Why is public speaking important? If the question to this answer is not known by you then let me tell you. The simple reason the question is we all have to face the situations where public speaking skills are required. 

You can face it at school, office, bank or in your personal life. In today’s time it is impossible to stay away from public speaking.

 public speaking important?

You may be frightened of the situation, You may not want to face it. You like it or not you need to do public speaking. 

Either you would like to conquer your fear or you want to improve it. Check out the blog and you will know all about public speaking.

What is public speaking?

improve your public speaking

Public speaking is speaking or giving speeches in public. Here, you need to master the art of oral communication to communicate. Public speaking is extremely important and can be of following types in your day to day basis:

  • Speaking to inform – This kind of speaking is the one which we all do maximum in daily conversation. We inform others or we are informed by others. It can be professional or personal. We all use it.
  • Speak to persuade – This kind of speaking is the one where we persuade others. This is the kind of speaking, we do with the debate, sales or simply when we persuade someone to go for a holiday in one particular spot.
  • Speak to entertain – This kind of speaking is done to entertain others. This is the kind of speaking, we do during the award ceremonies, Wedding speeches, comedy sketches, poetry recitation or something like that. Here the focus is to entertain the audience and not to inform or persuade.

Why is public speaking important?

Why is public speaking important?

Public speaking is very important for everyone in all aspects of life. Let us see the reasons why it is so important.

Winning people and creating influence 

The first and most important benefit of public speaking is you can win people. If you learn how to do public speaking you can create your influence on people. The crowd can be any, it can be any social gathering, business meeting or audience at the conference. You will be able to do well in all places.
Public speaking will help you to captivate your listener interest and keep them intact during the speech.

Motivating others

The next reason is public speaking, you can motivate your listeners. You can help your listeners to stop doing something. You can even make them start doing something and reach their goals. A public speaker can strongly motivate their listeners and can reach any heights.

Informing people

Apart from above mentioned points, public speaking can help you to inform people in an interesting way. If the things are informed in interesting way listeners will listen to you with interest. This will ensure reaching the listeners in the best way and make them understand well.

Career advancements

When you can do public speaking, you can reach people. You will not be afraid of interviews, your convincing skills will be better. This will help you to grow in your career. You can create different place for yourself in the workforce. 
If you are in sales, then you can do the best in your life. You can reach big goals, get higher sales, get more sales and get growth in career.

Boosting confidence

Public speaking can help anyone in boosting confidence to a great deal. Public speaking helps you to get away with the insecurities, fear which is inside you. Public speaking can empower you and help you to connect with the audience.  
Your confidence will increase day by day. It will benefit you not only one time, but throughout your life. Whether you are meeting someone for a personal meeting or for speech. 
This is the reason now young kids are encouraged with various activities to do public speaking. This has a positive impact on them as their confidence is better than those who do not practice public speaking.

Critical thinking

Public speaking helps in building critical thinking. This is because the writing or planning a public speaking requires a lot of thinking. It starts from how to start, how to write content for specific audience and how to close the conversation.
It is just not conveying the message, but the message should fit the need of the audience. With time you will develop critical thinking which will also in turn help you to critically analyze your speaking style and content. 

Personal development

Communication skills and personality development are the key important points for professional success. Public speaking helps in the development of this skill to a great extent. Preparing for the speech can make you think about communication skills. Doing public speaking regularly will result in good communication skills. 

Improving communication

Communication skill improvement requires practice. Public speaking is a great way to practice for communication skills. When you do public speaking, you give a conscious effort to communicate your speech well. 
Any kind of public speaking requires you to communicate your idea well to your listener. You get to learn not only communicating your idea but also how to reply when you are not convinced with an idea. 

Networking (social & professional)

When you do public speaking, you meet new people, having the same interest as of yours, or having different interest. When you meet people you get a lot of opportunities to network. You need to make a conscious effort to let people interact with you.
If you are part of any debate, competition, event you should share your contact details with people. Speak to the people around, If you have some opportunity for them, then share it with them. Remember, everybody wants to know what is there for them in it.

Leadership skills

Good public speaker means a better leader and more opportunities. A person having leadership skills can convince people, can motivate others, can make them do what he wants them to do. He is a person who guides them, Who can put his ideas properly in front of others.
Public speaking enables you to do all, as you have to communicate with public. If you are the one who participates in public speaking then with time your leadership skills will also be enhanced.

Learning persuasion

Public speaking helps you to learn persuasion. When you do public speaking, you make your listeners listen to you. You persuade them to understand your point. By regular public speaking, you are getting better at persuasion.

Developing vocabulary & fluency

Public speaking requires you to speak to different audience at different time. When you have to interact with different audience you will have to use the different vocabulary. By doing so you are developing your vocabulary and enriching it.
With more and more public speaking, you are also getting fluent with the language. As, doing more public speaking means you are practicing more, you are making that language part of your regular life. This will help you get rid of fear.

Fearless impromptu speaking

Impromptu speaking is what makes people more fearful. Public speaking is though pre-planned. When you do public speaking, you unknowingly get yourself prepared for impromptu speaking. You will not be afraid or your heart will not pound.
Instead, you will be happy to take to opportunity to speak on an unknown topic to an unknown audience.

Better listening skills

This is one of the added advantages of public speaking. During your speeches, one important aspect which you have to take care is, listen to others too. Initially, it may be difficult for you, or you may not resist yourself from speaking before listening.
But, with more public speeches your listening skills will also get better.

To drive changes

Public speaking is one thing which has got so many benefits. The major benefit of public speaking is you can drive changes. If you want to bring some change, then the best way of doing is through public speaking where you can tell people why you want to bring out this change.
Now, You must be knowing that we all need public speaking skills. It might not be an inborn talent with us. But, not to worry, you can learn it by joining the course Fearless Communicator Blueprint

About the Author: Anju Jindal

Anju is a trainer, entrepreneur, and career growth specialist who helps students, working professionals, women, and Job seekers to reach out to their goals by implementing a Career Growth plan

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