Spoken English Training – One question often asked me is how to learn spoken English. My answer to this is simple and direct: learn the principles of spoken English training. Once you know the principles of spoken English training, you will have your foundation set.

The fact is the human brain remembers functions based on associations. We can see, touch, feel or think anything and perceive through associated memories with those things that go together. Let me explain this with a simple everyday example. We all know what a chair is. We can only perceive this day-to-day item as having four legs and allowing us to sit. But, in reality, we may have many memories of the chair and people using it, falling from it, specifying authority. That is what makes the item remembered me for what it is.

Spoken English Training - group conversation
group conversation

We create the unique perceptive of the chair by all that associated actions with that. The same word will connect with other individual words in any language to describe many actions, items, concepts, humans, and language.

English is learned better contextually.

When learning any new word in English, please do not focus on learning it as you may not be able to remember it. E.g., if one wants to learn a new word in English ( Spoken English Training ), “to eat.” Learning the word is tricky as you may need help remembering it.

Why can’t we remember it?

Spoken English Training Talking

It is because when we try to learn one word, we look for translation in the native language, and that may be different in that particular native language. It may be associated with one thing only when translation is done in the native language. You will be poor, always talking with that single translation in your mindset for that particular world.

Will that be useful? No, not really – Spoken English Training

The suggestion here is to train the brain to think in English. To do so, learn the word with how we use it in real life. E.g., if you want to learn the word “chair,” learn by a simple combination of words like “I have the black chair.”

Remember that we can learn the usage of “have” and other progressive grammar later, but we made this sentence because I have a black chair and will remember it because I use it every day. You are focused on the chair rather than the sentence structure.

In the beginning, while you are at the beginner level, the principle of Spoken English Training suggests that you be unaware of variations that can be used with one word and focus on the most straightforward sentence associated with your life. Spoken English training suggests that you be unaware of variations that can be used with one word and focus on the most straightforward sentence associated with your life.

Only analyze a little. – Spoken English Training

When you are a beginner in spoken English training, try to focus on learning the natural Association rather than verb conjugation and then creating sentences. It is an unnatural process and can confuse you as it starts writing mode in the mind of the learners.

There’s no need at the beginning for the student to analyze verbs or conjugate them and further create sentences. This process is unnatural and will do nothing but start the “writing mode” in their mind. When you are learning a sentence, you have a black chair, and repeating it several times in a day till it is induced in your mind will help you remember the word because of the Association without even overthinking.

Have a look at some more examples:
Like – I like pizza.
Friend – you are my friend.
Teach – I teach him.
Beautiful – Rita is beautiful.
And you can go on in this manner.

You will see that, slowly and steadily, you’ll be able to learn these words. Also, you have helped me speak in English and gain some confidence help you gain some confidence as you know some of them.

Once you are done with the essential vocabulary, you can move to the advanced vocabulary with advanced phrases.

Does this happen in this manner in real life?

Unfortunately, in real life, it happens much differently.

In reality, we break English into grammar concepts that lead to students cramming verb conjugation.

Like – “I am, he, she, It is, you are, We are, they are .”

and so on

It further leads to poor English learning.

Do not translate from the native language word by word.

It is yet another common problem that we translate words from the native language word by word. It needs to be clarified because the structuring of sentences can be different in two languages ( Spoken English Training ). Also, when the person does not know a single word in the English language, it is essential that the meaning of the whole sentence is learned.

In this manner, they will not only be encouraged to use a combination of words, but their understanding of English will also improve. If you want to achieve fluency in English, the only option is to learn the combination of words which means phrases.

Let me reiterate the same for you.

  • For beginners, the first step is to learn a combination of simple words and if the translation is required, do it without much analysis, like why something is said in a specific manner.
  • Have patience and be encouraged to create sentences. Use them when you speak or write in English ( Spoken English Training ) . So the point here is you can not memorize words but instead create something from them to memorize them more easily.
  • Having the right mindset is also an essential factor. Persuade yourself, in the beginning, rather than focusing on understanding the exact meaning of new English words.
  • Please don’t go for a word-by-word translation from the native language to English, as it may be different in both languages. Instead, go with the flow and start speaking in sentences from the first day, whether right or wrong.
  • Do not be afraid of making mistakes because you will learn from your mistakes.

If you wish I should help you out, you can – Spoken English Training

  • Check out my training program. Through my training program, I help people to work on their presentation and speech in presentation and public speaking skills presentation and public speaking skills.
  • Join my VIP community, wherein you will learn about public speaking and communication skills. You will be able to connect with fellow learners and share your experiences.
  • Check out the YouTube channel to learn at your convenience from anywhere.
  • A few other ways of communication are through Instagram and LinkedIn.