Class10 English Communicative vocabulary

Class 10 English Communicative vocabulary with Meanings of All Chapters for CBSE.  In this section, I have compiled all the difficult words and also their meanings from CBSE Class10 English Literature Reader (Communicative) Book for your convenience.

The following is an exhaustive list of the words and also meanings for all the fiction, poem, and drama in the Communicative book for CBSE Class 10 English. Moreover, students can understand the meanings of the difficult words because they have been explained lucidly.

If you are looking to score good marks in your boards get the full list of transition words in order to enhance your writing Skills.

Transition list

Part 1: Fiction – Class10 English Communicative vocabulary

Two Gentlemen of Verona
  1. Verona: It is an Italian city. Also, there is a belief that Romeo and Juliet lived there

  2. Shrugged: Showing disagreement by raising your shoulder and then lowering it.

  3. Shabby: Worn-out or also old clothing in poor condition.

  4. Worn: Worn out and also damaged

  5. Tunic: An outer garment with no sleeves

  6. Earnest: Having a serious mental illness.

  7. Brisk: Quickly and also efficiently.

  8. Slackened: Slower or also less active.

  9. Juliet’s Tomb: In this place Romeo buried Juliet, the woman he loved. Also, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a play set in the 15th century.

  10. Demeanour: How a person behaves or also appears.

  11. Artless: Free from guilt; It can also innocent

  12. Hawked: An offer for sale made in the street.

  13. Errands: A short business trip or also work trip.

  14. Deserted: Almost unoccupied or also sparsely occupied.

  15. Emigrate: The act of permanently settling in another country after leaving one’s own country.

  16. Vexation: An annoyed

  17. Put out: irritated; It can also be offended

  18. Humble dwellings: Simple living arrangements

  19. Steel-rimmed: An object’s top or outer edge, especially when it is curved or also circular.

  20. Vestibule: The entrance hall of a building.

  21. Intrude: Interfere with someone’s privacy.

  22. Rubble: The debris left behind when buildings are demolished, such as stone, brick, and also concrete.

  23. Scarce: In very small quantities.

Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger – Class10 English Communicative vocabulary
  1. Descended: A sudden development.

  2. Wholesome: “Much better than before”, generally

  3. Inhabitants: The people and animals that inhabit a particular area.

  4. Compelling motive: Powerful, it can also be forceful goal.

  5. Deviation: The act, behaviour, or condition differing from the usual.

  6. Nimrod: The great-grandson of Noah; a mighty hunter in biblical times

  7. AlgerianA native or also resident of Algeria.

  8. Aviator: A person who flies.

  9. Procured: Obtaining something through effort.

  10. Harvest: To collect or also obtain for future use.

  11. Ostensibly: Theoretically

  12. Foreground: In a picture or scene, the part closest to the viewer is the foreground.

  13. Swayed: Having an influence

  14.  Propitious: Having good results or likely to do so.

  15. Boast: Possess.

  16. Rendezvous: The place or point where a group meets.

  17. Antecedents: The predecessor.
  18. Infirmities: A state of being weak or also ill due to old age.

  19. Prospect: The likelihood of something happening.

  20. Stimulated: To stimulate or also arouse interest.

  21. Herd-robber: A tiger that hunts and also preys on other animals.

  22. Crouched: A position in which the knees are bent and also the upper body is brought forward and down, usually to avoid detection.

  23. Persistent: Lasting longer than expected.

  24. Bleat: A loud cry from a sheep or also goat.

  25. Tethered: fastened

  26. Thumb-nail pack of patience cards: Solitaire playing cards of small size

  27. Quarry: A prey or also a victim

  28. Instinctively: A feeling that comes from instinct.

  29. Morbid: Not pleasant.

  30. Intervention: Having an influence on something by becoming involved.

  31. Speculations: Hypotheses or ideas about something unknown.

  32. Depreciation: Loss of value.

  33. Commenced: The process has begun.

  34. Ambling: Freely moving and also relaxed while walking.

  35. Senile: Aging with a loss of mental abilities.  

  36. Succumbed: To die.

  37. Tiger-claw brooch: An item of jewellery shaped like a tiger’s claw pinned to a woman’s clothing by its pin.

  38. Book of patterns: Book showing racing colours, stable colours, jockeys’ colours.

  39. Post-time: When the race begins and further when the bets must be placed

  40. Les Fauves: ‘The Wild Animals’ in French

  41. Incidental: of secondary importance.

The letter

  1. Dawn: the first rays of light in the sky before sunrise.

  2. Tattered: Torn and also old.

  3. Shield: A protection or also guard

  4. Screech: An extremely loud and also high sound.

  5. Inhabitants: People or also animals living in a particular area.

  6. Profound: Having a deep understanding or knowledge.

  7. Lulls: Put to sleep.

  8. Victim: The victim of an attack, robbery, or cheating by someone else.

  9. Caressing: The act of gently touching someone.

  10. Plodded: Slowly and also heavily walking.

  11. Staff: People who work for an organization.

  12. Crevices: Narrow openings in hard surfaces.

  13. Beholding: Gazing at; It can also be observing

  14. Diwan Sahib: A government official of high rank

  15. Midst: An area or also portion in the middle.
  16. Crouching: A position in which you bend your knees and also lower your body to the ground.

  17. Bewildered: Perplexed.

  18. Bereft: Left without something, especially after the death or also departure of a loved one.

  19. Devout: Profoundly religious.

  20. Serenity: An inner calm.

  21. Persevered: To persist even when facing difficulty or also seeing no evidence of success.

  22. Scandals: The wrong behaviour of individuals that shocks and also upsets them.

  23. Customary: Obtained or performed in a particular manner, at a particular place, or also at a specific time. 

  24. Relic: An object from the past like a cultural relic.

  25. Pitiable: Deserving of sympathy or pity.

  26. Precinct: The area within a building’s perimeters or perceived boundaries.

  27. Chimed: I added it.

  28. Lunacy: An extreme form of mental illness.

  29. Verse: A rhythmically arranged piece of writing.

  30. Hastily: In a hurry

  31. Exhausted: The state of having exhausted all of one’s physical or also mental energy.

  32. Guineas: A former British currency (coin).

  33. Suspense: A nervous or also excited state as a result of wondering what will happen next.

  34. Meek: Being gentle or it can also be showing gentleness.

  35. Perplexed: Confused

  36. Deceived: Tricked into believing something that isn’t true.

  37. Anxiety: Feeling nervousness

  38. Remorse: Guilt feeling.

A Shaddy Plot

  1. Live propositions: Describing an actual event in the real world

  2. Shade of an idea: A hint or also idea of any kind

  3. Mysterious: Unusual

  4. Chasing: Running after

  5. Inspiration: An idea

  6. Vain: Not successful

  7. Healthy: in this context, suitable or it can also be favourable

  8. Uncanny: Strange, but it can also be mysterious

  9. Pestering: causing trouble

  10. Dunned: Repeating overdue demands. It can also be pressurized

  11. Dig one up: Search for something

  12. Cocky: Overconfident

  13. Wander: slowly move away

  14. Material things: here, they are living objects that belong to the world and also are not ghosts.

  15. Tendency: Inclination towards a particular behaviour

  16. Fad: Trend or it can also be Fashion

  17. Work it to death: Use it so much that it ends up worn out

  18. Never get me any place: If he merely thought about it, he couldn’t heal it.

  19. Starring: looking intently

  20. Ceiling: The upper portion of a room’s interior

  21. Sarcastically: mocking the other person or also thing

  22. Imbecility: an inability to think

  23. Twilight: dusk, it can also be half-light

  24. Shirtwaist: A blouse that resembles a man’s shirt

  25. Plaid: A long piece of fabric

  26. Angular: Sharp corners

  27. Enormous: Extremely large

  28. Wad: Tightly rolled

  29. Gaping: Gazing with a wide-open mouth

  30. Sections: Subparts
  31. Parts: here, body parts

  32. Crisped: Angrily spoke

  33. Spine got cold: Fear prevented the backbone from moving

  34. Stenographer: A person who types what people say

  35. Drivelling: Uttering meaningless words

  36. Assistance: Help

  37. Yell: Shout

  38. Draped: Loosely covered with a cloth fold

  39. Reminiscent: Bringing back memories, it can also be tending to bring back memories

  40. Long eagle nose: Her nose shape

  41. Purgatory: Suffering or also a place of suffering

  42. Paradise: A heavenly place

  43. Made up my mind: Decide

  44. Scout around: Search in various places for what you are looking for

  45. The case: here, a specific problem

  46. Groaned: Loud, deep sounds of pain or unhappiness

  47. Scarecrow: An object that resembles a human

  48. Beds: here, grave

  49. Patronizing: Speaking or also acting as if someone is unimportant

  50. Ouija board: Using a board marked with letters of the alphabet, in order to enable ghosts to communicate with them. Also, answers are spelt out by a pointer or glass held by the participants’ fingertips. Moreover, they are believed to be formed by spiritual forces

  51. Fanatic: Someone who is extremely passionate about something

  52. Haunt: a frightening experience

  53. To exert: to put effort into something

  54. Acquaintances: People you have met but don’t know very well

  55. Demobilize: withdraw from action, it can also mean discharge

  56. Evaporate: gradually disappear

  57. Brogans: heavy ankle-high lace-up work boots

  58. Misty: not clear

  59. Affection: (here) the condition of being affected

  60. Vestige: Evidence

  61. Idiotic grin: Make a broad, foolish smile
  62. Twitch: Shake, it can also mean tremble

  63. Conceal: Cover up

  64. Affliction: disorder

  65. Premonitory chill: a feeling of foreboding or also anticipation

  66. Crept up the back of my neck: Slowly approached and also shocked me

  67. Horrible: Dreadful, it can also means bad

  68. I felt things slipping: a feeling that things were slipping out of control

  69. Lingered: staying longer than expected

  70. Hysterics: An unbearable state of fear or sadness accompanied by uncontrollable behaviour.

  71. William the Conqueror: a historical figure who ruled England as King William I.

  72. Helen of Troy: Greek mythological figure, considered the world’s most beautiful woman.

  73. Wear your eyes out: damage to them by overuse

  74. Musty: dusty

  75. Local colour: here, the finer details of the individual

  76. Speck: a small particle

  77. Premonitory: a sense of foreboding.

  78. Darn: an expression of disappointment

  79. Devilish: evil

  80. Propose: Make a suggestion or iit can also be an offer an idea

  81. Slid down: to move smoothly

  82. Huffily: irritated or it can also mean angry

  83. Cloud up: gather up in the sky, here the ghost formation that appeared in parts

  84. Let it go: set it aside, leave it for another time

  85. Bookkeeper: a person who keeps track of the day-to-day financial transactions in a company, an accountant.

  86. Lumber: dealing with wood and timber

  87. Vanished: vanished

  88. Churning: moving rapidly

  89. Illuminated: brightly lit

  90. Argify: (here) to argue

  91. Parlour: A private room

  92. Mournful: sorrowful

  93. Squeak: the sound of a table
  94. Flirtatious: showing signs of attraction to another person.

  95. Coyly: flirtatious and also shy at the same time

  96. Cooed: Softly spoke

  97. Hovered: moved from one place to another

  98. Traitor: someone who betrays another

  99. Dreadful: causing pain and also suffering

  100. Corrugated: shaped like a curve

  101. Light of the huntress in her pale blue eyes: As though a huntress was watching her, her light blue eyes shone with excitement.

  102. Groaned: sobbed in pain

  103. Inexorable: unable to be stopped, unstoppable

  104. Simpered: to smile in a silly, often coy way

  105. Manipulators: People who control or influence others cleverly

  106. Report: appeared

  107. Peculiar: Unusual

  108. Squeak: a loud sound with a high-pitch

  109. Spasm: shivering

  110. Wretched: depressing

  111. Semblance: a physical resemblance

  112. Sly: untruthful

  113. Crawled: kneel and move

  114. Gurgled: made a hollow bubbling noise

  115. Elapsed: ended

  116. Turned the whites of her eyes up to the ceiling: she prayed.

  117. Prickle: an outgrowth that is short, slender, and also can be sharp

  118. Majestically: with the highest respect

  119. Dreadful: awful

  120. Fascination: enthusiasm

  121. Gait: Walking

  122. Protruding: sticking out

  123. Exasperated: extremely irritated

  124. Faculties: the body’s and also mind’s inherent abilities

  125. Materialize: to become visible

  126. Hoodoos: the practice of putting curses on people to bring them bad luck

  127. Abused: put to bad use

  128. Leered: looked at
  129. Brassily: insolently, It can also mean rudely

  130. Agility: quick and also easy

  131. Concealed: Hidden

  132. Awful: dreadful

  133. Phantom: a spirit

  134. Wrest: forcefully pull out

  135. Staccatoed: spoke abruptly and also detachedly

  136. Skeered: frightened

  137. Coon: someone who does menial work

  138. Waspishly: with irritation

  139. Elaborately: in-depth

  140. Dratted: an annoyance

  141. Denial: saying no

  142. Gurgled: fizzed

  143. Hussy: an immoral woman

  144. Lithely: without rigidity

  145. Gaze: to look at something

  146. Thrust: A push

  147. Apparition: A ghostly figure

  148. Skewed: turned around

  149. Powder: Applying make-up

  150. Swoon: fainting

  151. Telescoped: Partially slid outwards

  152. Briskly: Rapidly

  153. Fervently: with much warmth

  154. Shoved: forced

  155. bulliest: excellent, it can also mean best

  156. plot: concept

Patol Babu Film Star

1.     Lane: A narrow road

2.     Genial: warm and it can also mean friendly

3.     Bald: lacking hair or it can also mean having little hair.

4.     Pharmacy: a shop or hospital dispensary that prepares or also sells medicinal drugs.

5.     Nonentity: something or someone unimportant

6.     Beyond his wildest dreams: something he could never have imagined

7.     A strapping young fellow: someone who appears healthy, active, and also strong.

8.     Aubergines: brinjals, a type of vegetable

9.     Verged: Very close to

10.  Obsession: the inability to think of anything else

11.  Amateur: not a professional

12.  Jatra: Bengali word. Moreover, it comes from the Sanskrit word Yatra, which means journey. Bengali folk-theatre forms also include jatras.

13.  Theatricals: Plays performed on stage.

14.  Handbill: a printed advertisement sheet.

15.  Smooth sailing: not having any problems

16.  Toying with the idea: having an idea in mind

17.  Retrenchment: cutting down

18.  Struggled to make a living: found it difficult to make enough money

19.  Scrap: a small amount or also piece of something

20.  Twang: a loud ringing sound

21.  Mighty: strong

22.  Gory: aggressive

23.  Whizzing: moving quickly

24.  Dragged: roughly pulled

25.  Diffidence: lack of self-confidence resulting in modesty or also shyness

26.  Appraising look: forming an opinion about someone or also something based on their consideration or also examination

27.  Storey: level of building

28.  Anxiously: with great anticipation

29.  Pedestrian: someone who travels by foot

30.  Crucial: crucial or also decisive

31.  Rise to fame and fortune: becoming wealthy and also famous

32.  Equipment: tools and also machines required to do the job

33.  Pavement: path for walking

34.  Oblong: an object or also figure with unequal adjacent sides

35.  Beehive: An enclosure in which bees are kept in a dome-shaped structure

36.  Tremor: shaking, it can also mean trembling

37.  Perspiration: the act of sweating

38.  Gesturing: making a sign

39.  Punctual: on time or at the agreed time

40.  Bump: Crashed

41.  Muffed: a poor handling

42.  Stout: obese

43.  Telescope: a piece of optical equipment that enables distant objects to appear closer

44.  Hubbub: a loud sound

45.  Smash hits: extremely popular

46.  Glanced: glancing at briefly

47.  Throbbing: the action of beating

48.  Gigantic: extremely large

49.  Hoax: A joke

50.  Meek: not noisy

51.  Executive: a senior government official

52.  Embezzlement: Taking money from someone else’s trust or misappropriating funds belonging to your employer.

53.  Pavement: path for walking

54.  Preoccupation: focused attention

55.  Crucial: essential

56.  Crumpled: smashed

57.  Stifling: Crushing

58.  Pompous: filled with importance and also seriousness

59.  Trivial: of little importance

60.  Dignity: a state of respect

61.  Vanity: being proud

62.  Edification: someone’s moral or intellectual improvement

63.  Obeisance: Respect for others

64.  Devoid: not present

65.  Inflection: Changing the tone of a sound

66.  Uttered: stated

67.  Astonishing: awe-inspiring

68.  Provoked: causing to arise

69.  Thesis: Justification

70.  Monosyllabic: containing a single vowel

71.  Syllable: A unit of pronunciation with one vowel

72.  Tiptoe: walking silently and also quickly

73.  Rehearsals: An act of practising

74.  Enunciating: expressing clearly

75.  Crouch: Bend forward after colliding

76.  Fling: forcefully throw

77.  Apathy: disinterest

78.  Anticipation: Anticipation

79.  Suppressed: put an end to forcibly

80.  Cue: a signal given to an actor by something said or also done.

81.  Dash: to run rapidly

82.  Collision: Contact

83.  Strides: walking

84.  Resume: the act of starting again after a break

85.  Bystander: Someone who observes an event or also incident without participating

86.  Moustache: hair growing above the upper lip

87.  Snappy: fast

88.  Commended: lauded

89.  Perspicacity: the ability to understand someone or something quickly and also accurately

90.  Spectators: people who watch

91.  Saw stars before his eyes: To take a blow to the head that is hard enough to make you see specks of light that resemble stars

92.  Excruciating: extremely painful

93.  Heaved: Made an audible noise

94.  Blunted his sensibility: made him less capable as an actor

95.  Intense: Extreme

Check out the next part for further chapters.


For information on English Grammar, continue reading:

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Anju is a trainer, entrepreneur, and also career growth specialist who helps students, working professionals, women, and Job seekers to reach out to their goals by implementing a Career Growth plan

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